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Hungarian Goulash
Time - 15mins prep 3hours cooking
Yields: 2 Servings
Heat oven to 120 C
Chop onion and pepper into large chunks
place in bowl along with garlic
Add meat, flour and paprika
Mix with hands so all gets good coating of flour and paprika
Put into ovenproof casserole dish (with lid)
Add tomato, stock and salt
Give a good stir and heat it up on the stove until it begins to simmer
Taste to check for seasonin.
Put lid on dish and place in oven for 3 hours
Good with rice or couscous with chopped scallion and half red pepper chopped in
When serving an otional splash of soured cream can be added to each portion
400 gm diced braising steak
1 large onion, peeled
1 green pepper, halved and deseeded
1 small clove of galic, crushed
1 level tablespoon plain flour
1 desertspoon of hot paprika
1 desertspoon of sweet paprika
1 can chopped tomato
300ml beef stock made with 2 oxo cubes
2 level teaspoons salt